Yolanda White.

ENFJ 我很好相处的哦!
hp圈资深圈友(电影原著都爱 更偏原著 但不觉得电影问题很大)最喜欢小天狼星和唐克斯!
hp只磕官配只磕官配! 本命卢唐, 罗赫哈金詹莉比芙都喜欢! 雷一切非官配
主混欧美,爱霉霉Taylor Swift, Natalia Tena, 海伦娜, 艾玛汤普森,打雷姐Lana Del Rey, 石头姐Emma Stone, 凯温, Sasha Sloan,德普,小雀斑我都狠狠爱住
电影爱好者~非常喜欢看电影! 什么类型都看!
小说爱好者——JKR, 悬疑这种最爱! 故事性的也喜欢! 理智与情感, 小妇人这种西方文学很喜欢!
很喜欢音乐, 霉霉本命!
书法爱好者(英文为主, 非常菜, 不提了

Remadora: A Love Before Time(scene24-25)

Remadora: A love before time

放一个小小的剧本, 如果以后有条件有机会,争取把它变成真的~


中文版门钥匙🔑(先留着空 等我码完)



Scene 24

Scene: in a corridor in Hogwarts.


Tonks——in her coat same as scene 23

Remus——in his robe same as scene 22

Bellatrix and Antonin·Dolohov——in black robes

Remus and an Antonin Dolohov fought each other. They kept firing spells at each other. There were white lights, red lights and green lights in the air Dolohov looked ferocious, Remus looked weak, began to retreat, and a green light hit him.

Tonks came to a corridor with bodies lying on both sides. Tonks looked at the bodies as he walked and called for Remus.


“Remus? Remus?”

A ferocious laugh came from behind her.


"Hello, my dear."

Tonks turned her head and jerked back, turned sharply, and widened her eyes.



Bellatrix, with an evil smile on her face, suddenly shook down Tons's wand and emitted a green light.

Tonks reacted quickly, raised his wand, blocked her spell, and began to fight back. The two fought for many rounds. Tonks became braver and braver and kept attacking. Bellatrix was unwilling to show weakness and fiercely fired green lights at Tonks. Tonks's face began to turn pale, her neat hands began to lose strength, the spell became disorganized, weak, and kept retreating. A yellow light hit her.

Tonks flew back with a scream and fell heavily to the ground. Her wand fell not far away. Tonks struggled to prop up her body and rushed to pick up her wand. A white light hit her hand. She screamed and fell down. She lay motionless on her side, breathing heavily

Bellatrix walked slowly up to Tonks, laughing.


“What would my dear sister Andormeda say, if she knows that her own elder sister had killed her daughter.”

Bellatrix went up to Tonks, squatted down and looked at Tonks' painful body.


"Your Mudblood father will thank me for sending you to him. He will be glad to see her scum daughter."

Bellatrix raised her wand and pointed to Tonks' face.


"Poor Teddy. He's going to lose his mum."


"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light shot out of Bellatrix's wand and hit Tonks in the face. Tonks's body no longer trembled slightly. Her face was unusually pale, her eyes stared at the ground in front of her, motionlessly.

Bellatrix laughed and walked away, leaving Tonks lying alone.

Tonks' pink hair gradually turned light brown.

Scene 25

Scene: in the hall of Hogwarts


Tonks——in her coat same as scene 24

Remus——in his robe same as scene 24

Andormeda—— in her robe

Three Hogwarts students volunteers—— in Hogwarts school robes

Andormeda walked behind a Hogwarts student volunteer, her footsteps looking anxious, flustered and uneasy. They stopped in front of two stretchers. On the stretcher were Tonks and Remus. They closed their eyes as if they were asleep. Their faces were gray and lifeless. Tonks's left hand and Remus's right hand were together.

A student:

"They are here. Please forgive me."

Andormeda looked at him and nodded. The student left. She turned her head again and stared at the bodies of her daughter and her son-in-law. Tears fell from her face. She covered her mouth with her hand and began to sob in a low voice.

Two students came over, put two white cloth on Remus and Tonks' bodies, lifted a corner and covered their heads.

Scene 25(15 years later)

Scene: In front of the Hogwarts War Memorial


Teddy—— in Hogwarts school robe(Hufflepuff)

Teddy's fingers slowly slid down from the marble tablet and across the names of ——the sacrificial heroes of the Hogwarts War:

Severus Snape

Fred Weasley

Remus Lupin

Nymphadora Tonks

Teddy's fingers slid down his parents' names and stroked them a few more times.

His right hand slowly raised a picture of Tonks and Remus laughing at the wedding.

Teddy looked down at the picture, put his other hand down from the marble tablet and stroked the yellowing picture.


"Hi mum. Hi dad."





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